Hearing loss is a common problem in the United States. In fact, it is actually the third most prevalent health condition after cardiovascular disease and arthritis. With hearing loss being such a common ailment, it is surprising that there are still so many myths and stigma surrounding it. It is important to learn about the facts regarding hearing loss so that we can help ourselves and our loved ones.
Hearing loss is often thought of as a problem of the elderly population, when in reality it can strike at any given point of time. Damage to hearing can occur with age as the hair cells within the ear deteriorate over time, but it can also occur due to excessive exposure to unsafe levels of loud noises.
There are ways in which you can help your hearing. You can maintain a healthy diet full of fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, and fish. You can also maintain a routine of regular exercise to not only keep yourself fit but also aid in blood circulation to your ears. Oxygenated blood supply is crucial to the optimal functioning of your ears, thus exercising can be a great way of keeping your hearing in top shape.
We expose ourselves to harsh noises each day, without even thinking about it. Be it is the loud honking of traffic or the blaring music on our stereo, our ears have to cope with loud noises wherever we go. Exposing your ears for long periods of time to loud noises can cause severe damage to your hearing, no matter how old you are.
You can always practice safe listening habits to keep the damage to your ears to a minimum. Always wear earplugs or earmuffs before exposing yourself to loud noises, be it sporting events, music concerts, or other loud outdoor and indoor activities. Use noise-cancelling headphones while listening to music and keep the volume to a medium level to limit damage to your ears. Lastly, if you feel you have signs of hearing loss and have difficulty hearing, always get your hearing checked by a hearing care professional.
Hearing loss brings with it a host of physiological and psychological difficulties. These include increased risk of dementia, injuries due to falling, cardiovascular disease, obesity, and depression. Social isolation is part and parcel of hearing loss that goes untreated as you begin to feel left out of conversations on a daily basis.
Early detection of hearing loss can go a long way in saving the remainder of your hearing. Hearing aids can help restore your hearing and minimize any further damage. Your ears are very sensitive and your hearing is precious. Do not take it for granted and do what you can to take good care of it so that you can enjoy your favorite sounds for all your days to come.
Getting hearing aids is not like wearing eye glasses, thus you may not hear the way you used to before you had your hearing loss. Your voice may sound different to you at first, and it may take a while for you to adjust to your new hearing abilities. With time and patience, you will be able to make full use of your new hearing aids and enjoy your new world of sound.
Getting hearing aids also reduces your risk of dementia and reduces the chances of sustaining a fall due to hearing loss. Your social relationships and work performance may also improve with the use of hearing aids. Talk to your audiologist about getting hearing aids today, so that you can make the most out of the world around you.